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Looney Tunes Mobile Game Cheats

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LOONEY TUNES WORLD OF MAYHEM - Android game with release date 12/12/2018 from the company Scopely. Game Genre: Role Playing. In the article, we summarized pumping tips from TOP players, developers 'answers to gamers' questions, guides for beginners from the official site and our secrets for passing the game. Attention, the article is periodically updated, look at the site Wise Geek more often.

Better Looney Tunes download to computer via this link and play in Full HD resolution with maximum graphics, no brakes and with the preservation of progress. Just download the emulator, log in to your Google Play account, install the game in the window that appears and you will become the Wisest.


Looney Tunes: Battle Tips

Looney Tunes is an interesting game made in the style of old American cartoons with your favorite characters. At its core, the game is familiar to many RPG gamers. The main task of the player is to collect a collection of heroes, pump them, and put them in battles against other players and negative heroes in different adventures.

The storyline in the game is small. The main villain is the alien Marvin, who wants to take over the whole world of Looney Tunes. Marvin has hypnosis and can get into the head of any character. When the cartoons are under hypnosis, they fight on the side of the alien. Therefore, you should be prepared for the fact that exactly the same fighters will fight against your team.

It is very important to complete the battles in all activities with 3 stars. Thus, you will receive improved elements, more rewards and resources. To complete the battle with 3 stars, you need not to lose a single hero. If one character died in the battle, you will get 2 stars, if 2 heroes fell, then the player gets 1 star. If only 1 character survived, you won't get anything.

In order not to lose a single character, it is required not only to defeat the enemy, but also to evenly distribute the damage throughout the team. There are cartoons - defenders who take all the damage onto themselves, but at the beginning of the battle it is not recommended to put them under attack, as they will quickly die and will not bring much benefit.

Before the start of the battle, the player can see the opponent's team in the window that appears before the battle (during the selection of heroes for the battle). The Strength of each enemy is shown, as well as their common Strength. You can also see the number of stars and the level of opponents. By these indicators, you can roughly determine the power of enemy attacks. In this window, as we have already written, cartoons for battle are selected. After you put the heroes, the screen will show the total Strength of your team. It can be compared with the general power of the enemy.

The battle is not limited in time, so you should not carry out attacks thoughtlessly. Cartoons take turns. The line of impact depends on the speed of the character. Each fighter has a scale of health and speed (indicated in purple). When the progress bar is full, the warrior beats. If the opponent's fill the scale faster, then he will walk.

In battle, you can choose the enemy that you go to hit. Also in the lower right corner are shown the skills of the hero who must hit. You can choose one of the active skills.

Each battle in all activities can be accelerated (the acceleration icon is located in the upper left corner of the display). Next to this icon there is a symbol, by clicking on which you can put the battle into 'auto-battle' mode. In this case, the cartoons will fight on their own.

But using the 'auto-battle' mode is recommended only if the Strength of your squad is significantly higher than the Strength of the opponent. If the forces are approximately equal, it is better to fight 'manually.' Since in the 'battle' the characters use their abilities in any way, they beat opponents in a chaotic order.

Secrets of fighting

Knowledge of the enemy. It is advised to study all the characters in the game, as they will go out against you in battle. It is recommended to use the strengths and weaknesses of enemies against them in battle. Before the fight, you can always see the composition of the team, then go to the 'Heroes' menu and learn more about the opponent: what skills he uses, with whom he works well in conjunction, what is his specificity of the battle, and so on. Gradually, you will be able to recognize enemies without prompting and will already know what to expect from them. This is especially important in PvP activities, where you will fight with other players.

Relations. Characters have additional skills that are given for friendship with another hero. If you put them together, they will be more effective in the fight. It is recommended to use cartoons with Relationships more often. There are heroes who have a Relationship with the enemy (for example, if the enemy team has a specific hero, then your cartoon has a negative effect on him). Such heroes are also recommended to be taken into battle.

Strong heroes. You should always take into battle the most powerful and pumped heroes. If you have 2 heroes with Relations, but one of them is poorly pumped, then it is better not to take him into battle (he will not be effective). It is better to put a powerful character in his place.

Strong enemy. It is advised to pay particular attention to the strength of the opponent. If the enemy significantly exceeds your team in strength, then you should not try to defeat him. Better to pump your heroes. When the forces are approximately equal, you can manually try to defeat the enemy.

The most fragile. First of all, it is recommended to beat the opponent who has the least life points. Because such cartoons have tremendous damage, healing or cause great harm to the team with their negative effects. If you disable such a guy first, then you will have a big advantage. It's best to endure the healers first, because they can restore health as much as you took the enemy's health.

One by one. You should not beat several enemies at the same time. It is recommended that all heroes deal damage to 1 opponent. Since a hero with a minimum number of health points will cripple you as well as with a full scale. Only a destroyed cartoon can not do damage.

Skills Each hero has unique abilities that need to be learned and skillfully applied during the battle. Someone during the time should be stunned, cured at the right time, someone should be struck with an active skill, and when this skill is worth leaving on the next move. But at the same time, super blows should not be saved. They recover quickly.

Defenders. As we already wrote, defenders are those characters who can take all the damage themselves, thereby preventing harm to the more fragile members of the squad. But you do not need to activate this ability at the start of the battle, when the whole team is in full health. You can use this skill when most (all) of the cartoons have few health points, and the healer in the rollback has a healing skill.

Gain. Some assistant characters have positive effects that they impose on team members, increasing their attack, health, speed, and so on. These skills are recommended to be used at the start of the battle, as for many heroes these skills are superimposed over several moves (sometimes until the end of the battle).

Healing. Doctors are advised to use it when all the heroes of the team have less than 50% health. If one hero's health scale has fallen dramatically, while others have it's full, then healers replenish everyone's life, so they will spend the ¾ effect empty.

Since there is no time limit in the battle, it is recommended not to rush and think carefully about your actions, think over the battle tactics, and select priority opponents.

Looney Tunes: Heroes Guide

There are a lot of heroes in the game, each of them consists of a different number of parts of the character. Fragments of the heroes get in different activities or in stores. Those cartoons who need more parts to call are considered one of the best heroes.

All characters in the game are located in the 'Heroes' menu. There are several tabs where the cartoons are placed by race:

  1. Forest.
  2. Studio WB (Warner Brothers).
  3. Avaluni.
  4. Tasmania.
  5. Town.
  6. Farm.
  7. Desert.
  8. City.
  9. Space.
  10. Snow peak.

Heroes of a certain race can only fight in their adventures. For example, forest characters are fighting in the forest, urban in the city, and so on.

On the Hero's page, you can also see basic information about him:

  1. Name - the names of the heroes are similar to the names from the cartoon of the same name. If it becomes very interesting to learn more about cartoons, you can always watch the animation from Warner Brothers.
  2. Strength is the main indicator of the overall power and level of heroes. By the Force, you can determine the possibility of rivals.
  3. Race - what type of heroes the character belongs to. This is an important criterion when choosing heroes for battle in some activities.
  4. Specialization - the manner of warfare and the role that a fighter performs in battles.
  5. Relationships are interactions between some heroes.

Each hero has his own characteristics. They can be seen on the left side of the character page:

  1. Attack - increases the base damage on the enemy.
  2. Protection - reduces incoming damage by cartoon.
  3. Health - Increases your base health score.
  4. Speed - speeds up the filling of the progress bar.
  5. Piercing - allows the hero to ignore the armor and defense of the enemy during attacks.
  6. Critical Damage - increases the attack of a character who has this indicator.
  7. Critical Damage Protection - Reduces incoming critical strike damage.
  8. Resistance - increases the likelihood of avoiding weaknesses (the negative effects that the enemy has on your heroes).
  9. Persistence - increases the chance to break the resistance of the opponent.

There are also other characteristics that are described in the skills of the character. These indicators from such characteristics increase with Gain.

Relations. This is a very important part of the gameplay. Almost every hero has a friend. If you put friends together in one team, then the comrades will enhance each other's characteristics. For example, Bugs Bunny is in a Relationship with Porky Pig, to whom the hare increases its attack, defense and speed by 10% if they both fight in the same team. Some heroes increase 1 indicator, but to all allies. For example, Scout.

Heroes must be combined and put into the squad in accordance with the Relationship.

Some cartoons have a 'Competition Skill' Relationship. That is, if the hero has an unfriendly Relationship with a certain cartoon, and she is in the opposing team, then this hero receives additional positive effects. For example, Yosemite hunter Sam does not like Bugs Bunny, and if the hare is in the enemy unit, then Sam gets + 15% to attack.

If your hero has a 'Competition Skill', then he can be put on the team at the sight of the corresponding enemy of the enemy.

Rarity of the hero - affects the Strength of the character. The higher the rarity, the higher its basic strength. If we take for comparison two similar and equal heroes, the epic character will be several times stronger than usual. This must be taken into account and be guided by this when pumping.

You can find out the rarity of the hero by the number of fragments for his discovery:

  1. Normal - 10 parts.
  2. Rare - 50 pieces.
  3. Epic - 100 parts.
  4. Legendary - 300 pieces.

Also, the rarity of the hero determines his starting number of stars. The rarer the character, the higher the number of his base stars.

Looney Tunes: Hero Leveling Tips

There are several ways to increase the strength of heroes. Each pumping option has its own recipe and ingredients.

The game has a very high chance of chance. This refers to the loss of fragments of heroes. For example, you can very often get parts of some characters, and parts of others you will wait a week or two. Therefore, you should not rest and chase a certain cartoon. It may take several weeks to collect parts of the desired character. If you build a game strategy expecting TOP heroes, then you will not go far.

It is advised to download those heroes that you currently have. If you collect good warriors at the start, then it is better to improve their characteristics and abilities.

Stars - increase the basic characteristics of heroes. Stars rise by collecting hero fragments. Each star needs its own number of parts. To find out where to get parts of the cartoon, you need to open its page and click on the button under the stars at the bottom of the screen. After that, a window opens with a description of the warrior and a place to search for his parts. The higher the pumped star, the more parts it needs to be assembled.

After you collect the required number of fragments of the hero, a button 'Rank increase' will appear under them. To increase the rank, you must pay a certain amount of gold.

It is not advisable to download heroes with 1 - 2 stars if you have characters with 3 stars or higher. You need to enter the battle 'here and now' and put up competitive fighters. Spending on low star cartoons is no need.

Hero level - increases all the main indicators of the character. But to pump the hero higher than the pumped account is impossible. You get the account experience in the Campaign, and the cartoon experience can be improved with the help of 'Potions of experience', which can be obtained in some activities, shops and banks. At the start, the first 10 levels of the cartoon are available, then the increase in the level will directly depend on the level of the account. For example, your game account has been upgraded to level 13, therefore, you also have the right to upgrade characters to level 13. To further promote the cartoon, you first need to increase your level.

The game has several varieties of magic bottles that add a different amount of experience to the heroes. If you mistakenly gave the wrong little potion a potion, then you can click 'Cancel', and the drunk amount of the drug will return to your inventory.

First of all, it is recommended to pump your main battle team, which fights in many activities (Campaign, Arena, with the boss and so on). And then, if you have enough potions of experience, you can download the rest of the heroes who are involved in the battles of the Campaign by race.


This is a collection of basic strike, active and passive abilities of heroes:

  1. Active skills are Special hits that do more damage to the enemy, or give the team healing and positive effects to members of the squad. These skills are activated by the player in the battle as necessary. With these skills come additional effects that work under certain conditions. Abilities have a cooldown, usually 2-3 or more, in the fight.
  2. Basic attack is the first skill. This is a common attack and may also have additional effects.
  3. Passive skill is an ability that activates automatically at the start of a battle or subject to certain conditions.

Skills determine the character's role in the battle:

  1. Protection - have defensive skills, can put a shield on themselves and on their allies. They have the skill of 'Provocation', that is, a skill that causes all enemy attacks on the hero - the defender. When the ability is activated, enemies will be forced to hit only this hero. The main task of protection is to prevent fragile characters from dying.
  2. Attack - these are heroes who have little health, but have huge damage. All skills are aimed at increasing the attack and damage of such a cartoon. Together with attacking skills, these warriors can have Weakening abilities. Attenuation is the imposition of a negative effect on the enemy, in order to reduce his damage, defense, speed. Also, the attacking characters have Stun skills (when the enemy cannot beat you for 1 or more moves).
  3. Support - versatile universal heroes who impose positive effects on their team and negative effects on the enemy unit. Such heroes can increase attack, defense, speed of movement to their allies. They can poison enemies (cause gradual damage over several turns), stun, weaken and cause other effects.
  4. Healer - has few health points. It is necessary in the team, as it has a massive healing skill (heals all members of the squad at the same time), it has weak combat skills. It can put a ban on the treatment of opponents (heroes with this skill are very appreciated, because without the absence of treatment the characters die quickly).

You can increase the level of skills by clicking on the 'Strengthening' button in the lower right corner of the hero's page. First, you gradually open the skills, then pump them and enhance additional effects.

Above all, those skills that will bring maximum benefit to the team should be pumped. And then you can increase other abilities.

The higher the skill is pumped, the greater the bonus the hero receives from him. For example, strokes become stronger, Stun extends its duration (instead of 1 turn, 2 or more is given), the defense becomes stronger and longer.

To increase the level of skill, it is necessary to collect a certain amount of resources. The recipe is given under the skill levels in the Amplification tab. Here you can also see the places where the required ingredients are extracted. The higher the skill, the more materials you need to level it.

When you have a hero to whom you can increase something, a circle with numbers (the number of characters per character to pump) appears on the 'Heroes' button on the main screen.

Looney Tunes: Walkthrough Story Campaign

The campaign is divided into several stages - chapters. Each chapter consists of 3 acts. Chapters open upon reaching a certain level of account. If you went through a 3-star battle, then the Auto-Victory function will be available to you. If you later select this battle option, then you will immediately receive rewards. That is, the battles take place automatically without the direct participation of the player. Another plus to the fact that the fight must be completed by 3 stars.

For the victory is given:

  1. Player experience - with the help of it, the level of the account increases.
  2. Illudy is an item that is used to launch reatomizers (using them you can get cartoon fragments).
  3. Experience Potion - Used to increase the level of warriors.
  4. Resources - necessary to strengthen skills and build homes for characters.
  5. Fragment of heroes - required to activate the cartoons and to increase their stardom.

In the Campaign, each story has a limit of victories, that is, a battle can be won 3 times a day. Limitations are reset at midnight server time.

Every battle requires energy. It gradually accumulates and is displayed in the upper left corner of the screen, next to other resources. Energy is spent on passing activities. The higher the act of the chapter, the more energy you need to spend on its implementation. But the rewards for high acts are greater, so you do not need to save energy.

The chapters in the Campaign are distributed by area (forest, farm, space). Only those characters who belong to this territory can fight in them.

Only 4 cartoons can participate in a bat, therefore it is advised to pump only 4 of the strongest heroes of each race.

Looney Tunes: PvP Mode - Bank & Fight

Banks - this is one of the first activities in the game in which you can fight with other players. All battles take place offline. That is, you do not directly fight with the players, but with artificial intelligence, which stands for the absent gamer. Therefore, if the opponent surpasses your squad in Strength, you can still win, as you will fight manually (you can put a 'car' at will).

In the mode there are several banks - special boxes with various resources. On each slot with the bank, the player sets up a defense detachment of 4 cartoon characters. Your opponents - the players will see the defenders during the attack. They can attack at any time and steal a chest from you. If the enemy wins with 3 stars, then he takes the box to himself. If he wins, but loses several heroes, the bank will remain with you, but you will lose several rating points. In the same way, you can attack any suitable player and take away a bank from him.

Different banks have different rewards. The box can be opened immediately, but several gems will have to be paid for this. Depending on the level of your account, you will receive certain boxes. Once every few hours, a new bank will be available to you. The box is placed in a specific slot, and its protection is set.

After you put the box in the bank, the timer starts. After the end of the countdown time, if you don't get the box away, you can open it and receive prizes. At the top of the screen, the delivery time of the new box is shown, which you put in another available slot. In total, the game has 4 slots for the simultaneous setting of boxes. Slots open at certain levels.

If you have an unoccupied slot, then you can steal a box from another player by clicking on the 'Go' button under the slot. Gamers are distributed in boxes, and are distributed in accordance with the level of pumping the account (and not the rating). Therefore, you will fight back and attack from rivals equal in strength.

The rating reset chip so that strong rivals do not see you does not work in this game. Even with a low rating, strong opponents will see you. Therefore, you should increase the rating, beating banks from others.

Awards. For each repulsed attack, players receive incentive rewards that can be collected in the upper left corner of the adventure screen by clicking on the 'Defender's Reward' button.

Fighting is a similar activity to Banks. Actually, one story follows from another. Only in Fights there are no banks, and immediately you can choose an opponent to attack.

It is advisable to search for an opponent by Strength and by the necessary boxes (for the heroes of the forest - one box, for the farm - others). You should select banks with the most necessary resources (you can find out about them by clicking on the box).

When you pick up the box, you have several options:

  1. Discard - if you do not have free slots to put a chest there for incubation.
  2. Open instantly with gems.
  3. Set to open - while the countdown timer will continue to work, and not start again. For example, you stole a bank that had 1 hour 20 minutes left before opening. When you put the chest for yourself, the timer will continue its work, and you will only have to wait for the specified time, and not from the start of the incubation.

Overexposure of the box depends on the level of the account, on race. Therefore, each chest has its own opening time.

Leagues are the distribution of players by rating. There are leagues in almost every activity. After the battles, if you win, you get rating points in the form of cups. Depending on how many cups you have, you get into one or another League.

For moving to a higher League, the player receives prizes. Also in each League there are daily rewards that come to game mail in the Inbox tab. The rewards depend on your place in the League. In the prize letter you can find:

  1. Gold.
  2. League medals.
  3. Resources.
  4. Fragments of cartoon characters.

League medals can be exchanged at the store for sets and parts of heroes. The more rating points you have, the better and more resources you will receive.

There are a lot of leagues, so it is recommended to pump heroes and fight more often. It is advised to look for rivals that are lower than you in Strength.

You can update the list of possible opponents 3 times if you were not satisfied with the initial choice of the system, or if you did not find a suitable opponent. After three updates, it is recommended to go into battle, after which 3 attempts to choose will appear again (it does not matter if you lose or not).

Looney Tunes: Spin the Wheel

This activity opens immediately after the Learning. This is a kind of roulette. In order to spin the Wheel, you need special tickets that can be obtained in various adventures for completing Daily goals and buy in the Store.

In the Wheel you can get parts of various heroes. There is also a chance to win exclusive cartoons.

There are 3 types of roulette:

  1. Daily - spins the drum for regular tickets.
  2. Gold - you can spin roulette for 1 gold ticket. These tickets can be purchased at the Game Store.
  3. Mega - the wheel spins for 5 gold tickets. Here you can get only rare and epic heroes with 5 stars.

Looney Tunes: How to Get Free Gems

Gems are a rare game currency that can be purchased for real money. But the developers have provided for the option that not all players will be able to deposit money into the game, and made the collection of free gems available.

What gems give:

  1. Skip timeout.
  2. Energy recovery.
  3. Buying tickets.
  4. Buying rare items at the store.

Gems can be obtained for certain Achievements. Achievements can be viewed in the lower left corner of the screen by clicking on the button in the form of a medal. Next, go to the 'Achievements' tab. Unlike Daily Goals, Achievements are long-term tasks that take several days to complete. When completing Achievements, players receive good rewards.

Board 'Free gems.' The board is located on the right, it immediately becomes visible if you drag the screen to the left. Here you can get 5 gems for watching ads. The main thing is to watch the advertisement to the end. If you want to get more gems, then you should watch ads several times a day. there are pauses between views and the number of views is limited. But sometimes, you can see several ads in a row.

The ACME offer is a section in the Store. It offers the player free gems for completing simple tasks from the developers. For example, install some kind of game, go through several levels. If you used one of the offers, then the reward will come within 1 - 2 days. This time is necessary for data processing.

Looney Tunes: Shopping Guide

In the store you can buy many necessary items, which are distributed by tabs.

  1. Reatomizer - here you can buy an activator of cartoon fragments for illusions and gems. Each reatomizer contains a different number of character parts.
Experienced players have noticed that it's more profitable to buy a reatomizer for 1 illusion, since in terms of currency more fragments fall out than for 5 or 15 illusions.
  1. Offers - you can buy different sets for real money, which contain fragments of heroes. Also, sets can be bought for gems and for gold (available after a certain time). In kits, elements for pumping cartoons often come across. Here is Looney - a box that contains resources, gold and energy (which is required to complete the Campaign). It opens for free every three hours.
It is recommended to set an alarm so as not to forget to open the Looney box.
  1. League Store - you can buy the necessary goods for cups mined in battles.
  2. Tickets and Illudy - there is an exchange of gems for tickets for roulette and illusions.
  3. Gems and gold - here gems are bought for real money. Also, gems can be exchanged for gold if it is not enough.

Looney Tunes: Union Tips

In the game you can join or create the Union.

It is recommended that you join an existing Union, because creating a new guild of players is a big headache for the founding player. Because you need to take members somewhere. Also, the leader should always set an example. And if you do not deposit real funds, then other players with such a leader will not linger for a long time.

If you find an alliance for yourself, and nothing interesting happens in it, people don't communicate, the level of the union chest does not grow, then this means that people do not play in it and do not strive to reach any heights. Therefore, it is advised to look for another Union. If you grow out of this guild, do not hesitate and go to another, higher-rated Union. You can see the rating when joining the alliance.

Union Box. Actually, it is because of him that many join the Unions. In the box are quite good rewards. The higher the level of the guild box, the more resources are located in it. The level of the chest is increased with the help of stars, which are received by members of the guild in various activities. As soon as the time for the growth of the box levels ends, then all allies can open it. In powerful guilds, players have boxes of a fairly high level, respectively, receive a lot of prizes.

Why else do you need the Union? You can compete with allies or friends. But the parameters of the rival players must be equal with yours. Such contests are called 'Corresponding Opponents,' which can be selected in the Arena.

Also, together with your Union, you can compete with other alliances in the War of Unions, in which the head of the guild is registered. For victories, all participants in the war receive good rewards.

Looney Tunes: Daily Challenges

This is an important part of the game where you can earn good rewards. The test starts daily, each on its own day of the week.

Test nameOpening dayDescription
Old school days.ThursdayOriginal cartoons will participate in the competition, who will earn the materials for this location for you.
The gold mine.WednesdayIt is necessary to fight with the clones, thereby earning gold.
Good guys day.Friday.You should fight the cartoons under hypnosis and earn anvils.
Fire festival.Friday.Support heroes participate, support potions are given for the victory.
Potions creators.Saturday, Wednesday.It is required to expel Marvin's clones from the laboratory, thereby gaining potions of experience.
Location Traveler.Saturday, Tuesday.Here you need to take a walk around the world and earn prizes from different regions.
Sunday madness.Sunday.Here are mined: gold, potions of experience and materials.
Sunday madness.Sunday.For adventures dynamite, anvils and resources of the regions are given.
Sunday madness.Sunday.Quest for pumping defenders, attacks and support.
Bomb.Monday.Only attacking characters fight here to pump.
You are infamous types.Tuesday.You should fight the infamous cartoons against the good guys, for which they will give you dynamite.
Do not provoke me.Wednesday.A squad of defenders must be assembled to pump them.

Each test contains several acts. Enemies become stronger with each battle, and you can get good rewards.

A daily test can be performed a limited number of times per day. This limit applies only to wins and is different for each test.

For each battle, the energy of the test is consumed in case of victory. If you lose, then energy is not consumed. Only the heroes necessary in this story participate in the trials. But there are battles where you can take any toon.

You should gradually pump over different heroes. To do this, it is worth more often to open reatomizers, chests and participate in various activities.

Looney Tunes: Crazy Cartoon World

Cartoon World is a huge map that can be reached by clicking on the 'World' button. Territories of the World open as your account is upgraded and new heroes are discovered. As soon as you open a new character, you can build a dwelling on the map for him.

To build a structure, you must first buy it. To do this, click on the bag in the lower right corner of the screen. In the menu 'Buildings' you can choose any house for the heroes. In the store you can see the buildings available for each location that you already have. For the construction you need to collect all the necessary materials.

Houses are needed in order to send the owners of the building to the adventures. Heroes receive good rewards for their travels. There are several tasks to choose from, which differ in time. To discover more adventures, it is necessary to increase the level of buildings. Each building requires its own resources to improve. The recipe is shown on the right side of the home window.

When you are going to be absent from the game for a long time or go to bed, it is recommended to send your cartoons on the longest campaigns, in order to collect prizes later. First of all, it is worth sending heroes for the most necessary resources.

Looney Tunes: Arena Guide

Arena opens at account level 30. This is a PvP mode in which players fight each other. The arena in Looney Tunes is distributed by season. To switch to the new season, you need to earn a certain amount of rating. Each season has its own cartoon priorities. For example, in the first season, the heroes of WB Studios are stronger than the heroes of the desert. In turn, desert heroes are stronger than urban cartoons that can defeat studio characters. This should be considered when distributing heroes to a team.

For each season, you need to put a team of defenders that will repel attacks on you. These heroes will not be able to play in the Arena while defending the rear in your absence.

It is recommended to protect the heroes of all races that are shown in the season description in order to most effectively reflect the attacks of other players.

When you enter the Arena and go into battle, you will be able to choose several heroes. You can immediately see the strength and power of the opponent, compare with their capabilities, and choose the most likely opponents.

Arena Battle Tips:

  1. To take heroes who are beaten with massive attacks, since many defenders at the very start use Provocation, and damage will only go to them. And with massive damage, you can injure several opponents at once.
  2. The most optimal squad composition is 1 defender, 1 healer (support) and 2 heroes attacking with massive damage.
  3. In addition to the main directions, heroes must have additional skills that harm opponents.
  4. It is necessary to select the composition of your squad, starting from the heroes of the opponent.
  5. If you are not sure of victory, then do not start the battle.

Looney Tunes: ACME Lab Walkthrough

'Tweety's chick drank Hyde's elixir and turned into a monster! Now the ASME laboratory is in danger! Find a hidden solution and defeat it!' So begin the adventure in the lab.

The main task of the player is not only to defeat the monster, but also to select special heroes who are given to the requirement of each battle. For example, heroes must be no higher than level 40, no lower than 4 ranks, with a maximum gain of 18. Also, each battle has its own rules that must be followed.

There are several difficulty modes in the lab that open at specific account levels. The laboratory has an infinite number of attempts, so you can go as long as the time allotted for the event allows you. Clicking on a chapter, you can see information about Tweety and basic tips for fighting.

If you can't defeat Tweety, it is recommended to change the composition of your team and try to attack him again. Thus, using the rotation of the team, you can eventually defeat the giant chicken. It is recommended to take heroes who reduce Tweety's attack. It is advised to use Stealth and stun it.

Conclusion : the game is very interesting, and most importantly colorful. She retained all the traditions of cartoons in America, in particular the Mad World. The game is easy, there is no intricate pumping, there are no complex connections and multi-level improvement of the characters. Activities are somewhat similar to each other. There is also a World of Heroes where you can build and upgrade buildings so that there is where characters live.

Authors of the article: Evgenia G. , Yaroslav I.

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Looney Tunes Mobile Game

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How to use Looney Tunes World of Mayhem CHEATS ? Watch video !!!



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